November 2016

This is our 14th time visiting Justicia, and we first met at the sewing project with the NOSA seamsters and children.


This was the opening of the Maranatha Bible Church’s new building completed by NOSA.

The next day we started at the library at Mketse Primary school, followed by a visit to all the classrooms.
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At all the schools the number of children increases every year.
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The NOSA sewing project has expanded to also make bedspreads, pillows and clothing.
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At Babati primary school my cousin did teach English for a little while.
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The new church building will also be used as a community hall. NOSA discussed with the residents what we can do together to develop Justicia.

At the clinic we donated baby clothes
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At the Sewing Project we donated school uniforms
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We planted Amarula trees in the NOSA garden.
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We visited Pardon’s family at home…
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…and Andy’s
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Two “new” NOSA children – Deborah and Alex.
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As usual we gathered the whole «NOSA FAMILY”
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One Response to November 2016

  1. May Brit Sandberg Damsleth says:

    Imponerende innsats igjen og igjen!

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